Anker's addin interface consists of the following parts:

  1. Setup
  2. Properties
  3. Tables
  4. Export to IFC


Setup Walkthrough

After clicking on “Setup” you must choose which Anker project the Revit model should be connected to, as well as if Anker should push Shared Parameters continuously.

Setup Anker 1.png

Next up are Revit and Anker parameters. If you haven’t created any Anker parameters you can export your Revit parameters and then import them into Anker.

First, select all Revit parameters that you want to export and then click on the down arrow button. The parameters will be saved as a JSON file.

Select Revit Shared Parameters And Export them.png

When the JSON file is saved go to your Anker properties and click on the “Import” button, choose the JSON file you just saved, and import. Now, all Revit parameters will be created as Anker parameters.

Import Jason File With Shared Parameters With Arrows.png

It is now possible to push Revit parameters to Anker parameters so that the value in the Revit parameters will be pushed into your Anker parameters. Anker will recognize this automatically if the parameters have the same name. The Revit parameters will then show up in the box to the right (see picture below) and then it’s possible to select the parameters that will be synced to Anker.