There are often a lot of properties that must be included in every element when delivering an IFC. Some examples of these properties can be “Contract Number”, “MMI”, “Fire Class”, or so. Properties like these can be automated with the Anker Automate feature.

Here is an example for automating properties for one specific file:


  1. All elements in the file “DG13_forprosjekt_Infill” will be addressed
  2. Property “Ansv1” will be set to “100” for all elements
  3. Property “Brannklasse” equals the value in “AF_FireRating” for their elements
  4. Property “AcousticRating” equals the type parameter “AcousticRating” for the elements
  5. This is just to explain a bit more about the 3 different options that are available:
    1. Text → Write whatever you want the property to have as a value
    2. Property → Choose an Anker property that you want to do something with. Can be anything from transferring values from one property to another, or like the one in the example above. You can also use functions on the values. Read more about that down under.
    3. Element →


You can populate using parameters from linked elements like Type, Level.

A good example would be to copy type parameters to instances with some additional transformations.


You can apply functions on parameter values, the available functions are:

  1. upper(value)
  2. lower(value)